By Veronica Brezina-Smith – Reporter, Tampa Bay Business Journal
Aug 16, 2018, 12:10pm EDT Updated Aug 16, 2018, 7:30pm
The Florida Department of Transportation has issued a request for proposals to solicit competitive bids for the design and construction of the Howard Frankland Bridge.
The new remodeled eight-lane southbound bridge will be carrying Interstate 275 over Tampa Bay. The project also entails the removal of the existing northbound bridge over Tampa Bay.
The existing northbound bridge has to be replaced because it has reached the end of its serviceable life, and signs of that replacement are already visible, the Tampa Bay Business Journal previously reported.
The contract amount limit is $814,401,002 and will be advertised on Dec. 10. It is the largest contract that District 7 has advertised, district information officer Kris Carson confirmed.
FDOT has been discussing plans for years to replace the aging northbound span of the bridge in 2020, which would result in a completely different flow of traffic into Tampa.
The bridge will also include a dedicated pedestrian and bike lane. It will have four general-purpose southbound lanes and two express lanes in each direction, TBBJ previously reported.
Of the two northbound express lanes coming into Tampa, one will continue on I-275 and turn back into a general-purpose lane. The other will exit to State Road 60.
For the bridge structural elements, the design-build firms interested on working on the project must be qualified in either work type minor bridge design or major bridge design-concrete, major bridge design-steel or major bridge design-segmental, according to FDOT's planned advertisement.
Those interested should contact FDOT District 7 with attention to Design-Build Coordinator Rahnee Oliver with procurement services. She can be contacted via phone at 813-975-6463 or via email at d7.designbuild@dot.state.fl.us.
The Financial Project Numbers are 422904-2-52-01 and 422904-4-52-01.
Here are more important dates for proposers:
Phase 1 letter of intent response deadline: Jan. 11, 2019
Phase 1 selection committee meeting : Feb. 12, 2019
Posting of shortlist: Feb. 18,2019
Mandatory pre-proposal meeting date: March 7, 2019
Phase 2 technical proposal due date: Aug. 6, 2019
Price proposal due date: Oct. 8, 2019
Proposal opening date: Oct. 8, 2019
Final selection meeting date: Oct. 15, 2019